The QuietCool RM ES-1100SLP works great for modular buildings, garages, strip mall suites, nail salons, mobile homes, flat roof homes and houses with limited attic space or insufficient attic venting. Vision a giant vacuum sucking out all the hot air trapped in your building while replacing it with fresh natural cool healthy air, for pennies a hour! The QuietCool RM ES-1100SLP high volume roof fan can remove and replace all of the air in your building 15 to 20 times per hour!
New for 2012, the QuietCool RM ES series fans replace our prior year models.
Roof mount fans usually present a challenge to most HVAC, construction and electrical contractors when it comes to configuring quiet, roof mount ventilation. Traditional roof mount fans are typically noisy, draw huge amounts of energy, or are difficult to install due to odd roof lines. QuietCool solves all these problems.
First, we adapted our ES motors to serve the needs of smaller homes and larger homes.
The RM ES-1100 blows 1130 CFM at just 66 watts and is great for smaller homes.
Most challenging for homeowners is selecting the correct fan based on roof pitch. QuietCool solves that problem, too.
Choose either motor model # and specific FLT for flat roofs to 2/12 pitch
Choose either motor model # and specify CRB for flat roofs that require a curb mount
Choose either motor model # and specify SLP for sloped roofs 3/12 to 6/12 pitch